Рейтинг книг Jerome Klapka Jerome
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1."Three Men on the Bummel" is a humorous novel by Jerome K. Jerome. The sequel brings back the three companions who figured in "Three Men in a Boat". Their lives are too stressful and they need a break from the daily mundane, so they put their heads together and come up with a brilliant idea they decide to travel through the Black Forest of Germany on a bicycling tour. ... Далее
2."Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" is a collection of humorous and entertaining essays written by popular English humorist Jerome K. Jerome. It was the author’s second published book and it helped establish him as a leading English humorist.
3.The classic comic travelogue about an ill-fated boating holiday on the River Thames" Three Men in a Boat "is the irreverent tale of a group of friends who, along with a fox terrier named Montmorency, embark on a two-week boating journey up the Thames.
4.Keskmine briti kummitus armastab õnnetuste ettekuulutamist väga. Saada ta kellelegi häda ennustama ning ta on õnnelik. Lase tal tungida rahulikku majja, pöörata see pea peale, ennustades matuseid või pankrotti, vihjates saabuvale häbile või mõnele muule hirmsale õnnetusele, mida ükski arukas inimene ei taha ette teada ning mille ette teatamisest ei saa mingit kasu olla, ja ta tunneb, et ta töö on lihtsalt rõõm. Ta ei annaks endale iial andeks, kui keegi tema perest satuks hätta ning ta ei olekski olnud paar kuud varem kohal, et seda ette ennustada, tehes murul tobedaid trikke või kellegi voodipäitsis tasakaaluharjutusi. ... Далее